Intellectual Property Registration in Dubai,UAE
Intellectual Property Registration in UAE is a legal right to protect a property created by one human's intellect that has commercial value; proprietary assets include invention, artistic work, design, piece of music, slogan, etc which appears in the forms of books, technological know-how, computer software etc.
Business establishments should be aware of the relevance of Intellectual Property in the era of globalization and digitalization. Knowledge is wealth and it’s the application of the same knowledge in various fields that serves as the driving force of many business enterprises. Therefore, this knowledge needs to be protected. The factor that plays a key role in the success of a business establishment can be an invention, a design, a process, or a particular product. Competitors should not take advantage of a valuable invention and use it for their vested interests. Therefore, a mechanism of some sort is necessary to prevent these illicit practices. Similarly, artistic and literary works require protection of some kind from unauthorized duplication or copying of the original content. And this specific “need to protect” points to the importance of Intellectual property registration. In order to accomplish the same, an individual or a business entity needs to have a clear understanding of the Intellectual Property Registration laws in Dubai,UAE.
Kiltons one of leading business consultants in UAE offers services for seamless intellectual property registration in Dubai and UAE to protect the property owner's right from third-party encroachment.